Swimming Naked Collection

Swimming Naked
-English Version

An eye-opening exposé of the film industry from the perspective of a female director, Charis Orchard shares her experiences from a 20-year career that’s spanned the globe.

Swimming Naked
-Portuguese Version

Uma exposição impressionante da indústria do cinema a partir da perspectiva de uma jovem mulher que compreende sua própria legitimidade como autora. Suas experiências nos últimos 20 anos, de encontros com as maiores celebridades do mundo ao mesmo tempo em que lida com rejeições aparentemente intermináveis, reveses e obstáculos, representam sua busca para estabelecer uma carreira em um dos negócios mais traiçoeiros do mundo.

Swimming Naked
-Russian Version

Чарис Орчард, которая открывает глаза на киноиндустрию с точки зрения женщины-режиссера, делится своим опытом 20-летней карьеры по всему миру. Одна из самых гламурных, но отвратительных и эксплуататорских отраслей в мире. Чарис проливает свет на темную сторону Голливуда и его жителей, включая моменты #MeToo. Она откровенно говорит о романе с явно частным A-lister; десятилетние отношения, которые заканчиваются насилием и отрицанием.

Swimming Naked
-Chinese Version

Charis Orchard 從一位女導演的角度分享了她進入電影行業的故事。 她分享了她在世界上最迷人但最具攻擊性和剝削性的行業之一的 20 年全球職業經驗。 Charis 照亮了好萊塢的陰暗面,包括#MeToo 時刻。 坦率地說,她描述了她與一位非常私密的一線電影明星的戀情; 一段十年的感情以虐待和否認告終。 這是一個充滿激情、決心和希望的故事。 電影製片人發現了她的韌性並保持了她的尊嚴。 #好萊塢#Metoo#思考

Swimming Naked
-French Version

An eye-opening exposé of the film industry from the perspective of a female director, Charis Orchard shares her experiences from a 20-year career that’s spanned the globe.

Swimming Naked
-Spanish Version

An eye-opening exposé of the film industry from the perspective of a female director, Charis Orchard shares her experiences from a 20-year career that’s spanned the globe.

Swimming Naked
-Italian Version

An eye-opening exposé of the film industry from the perspective of a female director, Charis Orchard shares her experiences from a 20-year career that’s spanned the globe.

Swimming Naked
-German Version

An eye-opening exposé of the film industry from the perspective of a female director, Charis Orchard shares her experiences from a 20-year career that’s spanned the globe.

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Copyright © 2021 Charis Orchard
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